ETS Marketing Science is a marketing analytics firm dedicated to helping marketers optimize their return on marketing investment (ROMI) across the entire marketing mix and across all customer segments. ETS consultants are veteran marketing science leaders, each with over 15 years of experience helping leading marketing companies learn how to optimize their Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI). ETS has worked with numerous market leaders in a broad array of industries including media and entertainment, pharmaceuticals, automotive, financial services, consumer packaged goods, retail, entertainment, and technology. In addition, ETS has established strategic alliances with several leading consulting firms and research suppliers.
The mutual desire to address the under-served need for marketing optimization solutions was the impetus to launch ETS Marketing Science.
a marketing analytics solutions provider, ETS Marketing Science is dedicated
to helping marketers optimize their Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI)
across the entire marketing mix and across all customer segments. ETS will help you overcome the
obstacles that prevent the adoption of potent marketing models for management decision making. We will guide you through the entire Model Deployment ContinuumTM.
ETS Marketing Science develops marketing analytics and decision support
solutions for clients across a broad spectrum of industries including media and entertainment, financial services, automotive, and consumer packaged goods.
Marketing Science customizes a wide array of marketing models to address
your particular needs. ETS also recognizes the inherent obstacles that prevent
the adoption of potent marketing models for management decision making.
ETS Marketing Science has the experience to help you overcome these obstacles.
We will guide you through the entire Model
Deployment ContinuumTM
Often ignored and misunderstood are the inherent difficulties of
extracting insights from model results. ETS Marketing Science has
the software design and algorithm development experience to recommend
the appropriate options based on client requirements and
resources. ETS Marketing Science will enable you implement your own
desktop model result generation tools in-house or with the assistance
of third party solutions providers. ETS
Marketing Science will help you deploy your models.
Measure and Attribute the specific contribution of each component of your marketing mix
to hard-hitting financial business results such as revenue,
units sold, leads generated, market share or brand equity.
Forecast or Simulate your
business results or brand equity, based on varying marketing
budget allocation, competitor response and economic scenarios
even for new product launch or product line
Optimize your marketing mix by
allocating specific levels of expenditure to individual
marketing activities and setting the appropriate prices to
achieve the desired or maximized business result or brand
equity, given a constrained or unconstrained total marketing
Optimize your direct marketing
programs and customer targeting by identifying the most
responsive and most profitable customer segments. The
influences from all other components of the marketing mix will
be factored into the measurement of your respective direct
marketing program’s success so that you will not rely solely
on response
ETS Marketing Science’s unique vantage point on marketing optimization gives clients the edge needed to achieve True Marketing Optimization.
No other source of marketing analytics can match the power of an
integrated marketing optimization from ETS Marketing Science.