The four cornerstones of 4OptimizerTM provide a complete and integrated solution
for optimizing client return on marketing investment (ROMI).  Underneath the hood of
4OptimizerTM are state-of-the-art of marketing models and analytics.

Marketing Mix OptimizerTM 
Marketing Mix OptimizerTM draws on ETS’s extensive industry specific experience and comprehensive econometric training to generate robust models that optimize your marketing expenditures across the entire mix, including but not limited to media advertising, pricing, promotion, and public relations. These are the models that directly enable media mix performance measurement, demand forecasting, and brand equity valuation. ETS does not waste time chasing arcane data but rather work with your team to collect the most essential predictive data that will jumpstart the modeling efforts.

Customer Relationship OptimizerTM (CRO) 
ETS develops exceptionally accurate, fast, and easy to implement algorithms to score and segment your customer and prospect databases to identify the most profitable targets. The models are subsequently tuned to optimize your direct marketing campaigns related to new customer prospecting, cross-selling, and customer retention.

In conjunction with ETS’s Marketing Mix Optimizer framework, your direct marketing campaign response rates are normalized against your prevailing marketing activities and answer questions such as: ?How much of my direct mail response during this period was actually attributable to my advertising blitz??
New Product & Line Extension OptimizerTM 
Most companies realize that a continuous stream of new product introductions is vital to ensure the long-term health of their organizations. However, they also realize that innovation is fraught with high risks and costs. ETS mitigates these risks by providing sound, comprehensible tools for planning, forecasting and optimizing new product and line extension sales. ETS’s new product launch models uniquely incorporate empirically estimated consumer behavior into the marketing mix modeling framework. This enables our clients to overcome the lack of historical data that typically plagues new product sales forecasting and optimization. With marketing mix components embedded in our new product launch models, our clients can optimize sales along the product lifecycle against varying marketing budget allocations.

In addition, ETS builds desktop market simulators (based on the results of sophisticated discrete choice experiments) that allow you to simulate and then optimize the impact of (own and competitor) pricing and product and service feature changes and extensions on market share, sales and profitability and sales growth.

Brand Equity OptimizerTM
ETS measures and optimizes the impact of your marketing mix on your brand equity based on a distinctively new approach that exploits both traditional consumer research techniques and actual business results. Depending on the engagement and data availability, ETS may or may not recommend consumer research instruments such as brand tracking studies and discrete choice experiments. Our approach is extremely customizable and flexible and does not require one specific data type.

With self-stated survey data, brand equity can be measured through the Customer Consideration Process, from awareness to preferences to intentions to the actual first purchase, and beyond. In additional to typical brand tracking analytics, ETS applies advanced econometric and statistical techniques to measure and optimize the respective impacts of each component of the marketing mix on each successive step of the Customer Consideration Process.

In the absence of survey data, ETS has developed an alternative framework for measuring and optimizing brand equity based strictly on tangible business results such as revenue or market share, rather than attitudinal data. Under this framework, brand equity is defined as sales sustainable in the short-term, absent of the prevailing advertising and other related marketing activities. Through proprietary analytics, ETS not only measures the effects of your marketing mix on your brand equity under this definition, but also determines the optimal allocation of your marketing budget needed to grow or prevent the erosion of your brand equity. Given that expensive survey data collection would not required, this option generates considerable cost savings as an added bonus to the unique insights.

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